Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Department ofClassics and Ancient
Mediterranean Studies


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Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies is concerned with the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean world, including the ancient Greeks, Romans, and the peoples of Egypt and the Near East. The study of these civilizations includes their languages and literatures, history and politics, religion and mythologies, philosophies, and material culture. Students electing the CAMS major may follow one of three options: 1) Ancient Languages Option, focusing on the study of Greek, Latin, or languages from the Ancient Near East; 2) Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology Option, focusing on the physical evidence for ancient Mediterranean cultures; 3) Classics and Mediterranean Studies Option, an interdisciplinary study of the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean.
For information regarding Independent Study, including instructions on how to apply, see the Independent Study Approval Form.

Spring 2024 Courses

Spr 24
Instructor: Ng, On-Cho
Spr 24
Instructor: Yang, Hsiao-Hui
Spr 24
Instructor: Halverson, Justin
Spr 24
Instructor: Jones, Robert
Spr 24
Instructor: Vijfhuize, Wouter
Spr 24
Instructor: Birkenholtz, Jessica V

Fall 2024 Courses

Fall 24
Instructor: Eric J. Fleisch
Fall 24
Fall 24
Instructor: TBD
Fall 24
Instructor: Tamir Sorek
Fall 24
Instructor: Birkenholtz, Jessica V
Fall 24
Instructor: TBD
Fall 24
Instructor: Justin Halverston
Fall 24
Instructor: Eliyana Adler
Fall 24
Instructor: Sabine Doran
Fall 24
Instructor: Lisa Ruth Sternlieb
Fall 24
Instructor: Kobi Kabalek
Fall 24
Instructor: TBD
Fall 24
Instructor: Ran Zwigenberg
Fall 24
Instructor: Laura Robson
Fall 24
Instructor: Lior Sternfeld
Fall 24
Instructor: TBD