Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Department ofClassics and Ancient
Mediterranean Studies

Laura Marshall

Laura Marshall
Assistant Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
317 Weaver Building University Park , PA 16802
Pronouns: She/Her
Research Interests: Greek Literature, especially Hellenistic poetry; Greek Philosophy; Translation studies
Accepting grad students for Fall 2025


I am a Hellenist who focuses on the intersection of literature and philosophy in Greek authors, particularly the ways that literary authors respond to philosophical critiques and incorporate philosophical ideas and allusions into their works. I am also interested in issues of translation and the history of classical scholarship.
I enjoy teaching Greek language and literature at all levels, as well as courses in translation (classical mythology, Greek civilization, and ancient warfare). Through these courses, I encourage students to discover modes of thought and analytical skills they can use to understand the contemporary world and pursue their individual goals.

Education Details:

Ph.D. in Greek and Latin, The Ohio State University (2017)
B.A. in Literature, Patrick Henry College (2009)
Laura Marshall
