Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Department ofClassics and Ancient
Mediterranean Studies

Latin is the language formerly spoken throughout the Roman empire and is the language of early art, literature, and political thought. Latin is also the mother of the modern romance languages, such as French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Knowledge of Latin can be a great advantage to students interested in graduate study in Ancient History, Classics, Archaeology, Linguistics, Medieval Studies, Comparative Literature, and other fields.

Requirements: Students select 18 credits in Latin, with at least 6 credits at the 400-level. 

You might like this program if...
  • You’re looking to supplement your major with a language that can greatly improve your vocabulary and grammar.
  • You want to develop a mastery of the grammatical structures essential to the ability to read Latin.
  • You hope to improve your skill of formulating persuasive and clear messages.
Latin Advisers:
Jake Nabel
Accepting Grad Students
Accepting Grad Students
Tombros Early Career Professor of Classical Studies and Assistant Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Pronouns: He/Him
Research Interests: Roman History; Pre-Islamic Iranian history; Ancient interstate relations
Jake Nabel