Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies is concerned with the civilizations of the ancient Mediterranean world, including the ancient Greeks, Romans, and the peoples of Egypt and the Near East. The study of these civilizations includes their languages and literatures, history and politics, religion and mythologies, philosophies, and material culture. All students in the major are particularly encouraged to participate in one of the Penn State Education Abroad Programs and/or archaeological field schools in the Mediterranean area. Approved archaeological fieldwork is required for the AMA Option. Up to 15 credits of appropriate education abroad courses may be applied to requirements for the major.

For the bachelor of arts degree in CAMS, a minimum of 123 credits is required. More details on degree requirements can be found in the following PDF: CAMS Degree Requirements
Students electing the CAMS major follow one of three following options:
The Ancient Languages Option requires study of Greek or Latin, one or more of the languages of the ancient Near East, or a combination of languages, and is recommended especially for students planning to pursue any classical, Near Eastern, or Egyptian subject in graduate school; planning rabbinic or seminary study; or preparing to teach Latin or Greek at the secondary level. Students in the Language Option are urged to schedule at least one course in historical linguistics or comparative grammar.
The Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology (AMA) Option is designed for students interested in the physical evidence for ancient Mediterranean cultures, including the rise and development of settlements and cities; ceramics, metals, stone, and organic remains; and population changes over time.
The Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies (CAMS) Option is suitable for students interested in a broadly interdisciplinary study of the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean and does not require study of language, although students are encouraged to study the appropriate ancient languages.
You might like this program if...
- You want to learn the methods of archaeology and archaeological interpretation with the goal of reconstructing the social practices and historical development of different peoples in the ancient Mediterranean.
- You want to master an interdisciplinary subject with a long-term perspective on the human condition and on cultural achievements across diverse geographical regions.
- You want to pursue a career in education, archaeology, or law.