Please visit the Global Penn State website for a general outline of the main scholarship categories and other Study Abroad resources.
CAMS Study Abroad Funding Request Form
In addition to the CAMS Awards offered in support of education abroad experiences, the Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies makes available travel reimbursement funds for all CAMS majors and minors participating in CAMS-sponsored study-abroad programs. After admission to a CAMS study-abroad program, all currently enrolled CAMS majors are eligible for $800, and all currently enrolled CAMS minors for $400, to be applied to receipted program-related travel expenses. This may be applied to the cost of airfare, upon presentation of a purchased airline itinerary. Students may re-apply for such funds for a CAMS program in a subsequent year.
To receive such travel reimbursements, submit a request using the form below. After verification of your status as a CAMS major or minor, you will be advised how to secure reimbursement.
Jewish Studies Resources
For Jewish Studies students, there are a number of options for studying abroad, and we can almost always offer you financial support to help you pursue these opportunities. More information can be found on the Jewish Studies website.