Michele Kennerly specializes in ancient Greek and Roman textual cultures, their transmission, and their reception, part of a broader interest in infra/structures that create and perpetuate “the classical.” Her first book, Editorial Bodies: Perfection and Rejection in Ancient Rhetoric and Poetics, won the 2019 Everett Lee Hunt Award (see an open-access review of it here). She has co-edited two volumes, Ancient Rhetorics & Digital Networks (with Damien Smith Pfister 2018) and Information: Keywords (with Samuel Frederick and Jonathan E. Abel 2021), and edited a third, Changing the Terms of Rhetorical Theory (2021). Her article-length work has appeared in various outlets, including the public Classics journal Eidolon. She serves as President of the American Society for the History of Rhetoric, on the council of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, and as co-editor of Rhetoric + Digitality, a new book series from the University of Alabama Press.