Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Department ofClassics and Ancient
Mediterranean Studies

CAMS 45H: Classical Mythology – Honors

CAMS 45H: Classical Mythology – Honors

CAMS 45 introduces the myths of ancient Greece and Rome as they are represented in the canonical works of Greek and Latin literature and art. Students become conversant in classical mythology by studying the stories of gods and goddesses and heroes and heroines. The course discusses the meaning and function of myths in their historical, religious, and literary contexts. It may also approach the interpretation of myth from different disciplinary perspectives (comparative mythology, critical theory, cultural anthropology, gender theory, history, philosophy, psychology, religion, or rhetoric). In addition, CAMS 45 gives students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and understanding of myth to the flourishing legacy of classical mythology in the literature, art, and culture of subsequent ages. CAMS 45 meets the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements. It also fulfills the General Education humanities requirement and the International Cultures requirement.


Associate Teaching Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Pronouns: He/Him
Thaddeus Olson